
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

You want to start coloring with Alcohol Markers but not sure where to start ?

This adult coloring craze is growing rapidly ! It can be very frustrating at first to figure out what type of media to use and where to even start. No fear..I am here to help you ! I have to warn you though, once you start your hooked !

The first thing I did was start watching a million youtube videos and articles online. As I thought it would help it seemed to make me crazy..every person has there own style and I just became overwhelmed. So , I am here to tell you about the classes in Kit and Clowder that changed my life . Maybe they will change yours too. Before you even ask " how much is it " ?  Alyce Keegan has a free online class called Markers 101 . There is a ton of info and tutorials in there. fair. The monthly classes are only $15.oo a month, that is amazing to me ! All classes are downloadable with tutorials and printable pages, aslo you can do them over any length of time. Once they are purchased you will always have access to them. How much easier can it get ? Alyce is an amazing teacher and her feedback is ever so helpful. My love for her classes and how much I have learned I felt had to be shared with the world. Kit and Clowder also has a facebook group ( that is amazing, everyone in there is so supportive and so far I have seen NO negativity in there. If your undecided on joining you should pop in there and see what it is all about. You will not be disappointed i assure you . Let me be clear that  I have no affiliation with Kit and Clowder or Alyce . My love for her classes and how much I have learned I feel should be shared with the world. Her classes and my mothers encouragement has changed my life. 
Since then I have become a designer of  images and have opened my own online  store ( ). As you can see my passion and artistic nature has come out with a boom!

Before and  After Kit and Clowder ClassesXL
The free class alone has so much information (ex.paper to use, techniques,lighting and shading aspects..and more.) In summary..Do not be afraid, dive in and give it whirl! If budget is stopping you check out for your supplies. This company gets 5 stars from me for service and price. 

 Check out my progress below with 3 short months !

  Thank you for listening. I hope you come back and see what I am up to next. I am thinking some Copic blending cards are in the making..hint..hint.. JOIN GROUP FOR FREEBIES, COLORING CHALLENGES, DISCOUNTS



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